The new DAT WideLog

From the R&D Department in DAT instruments, here comes a new 18,5” touch screen datalogger. Versatile, resistant, expandable, perfect for every technology, easy to use and definitely fantastic. A real turning point for DAT instruments Research and Development Department; the new datalogger designed and realised by the Italian company was created according to the needs/demand […]
DAT instruments for Çamlıdere Project

Article published on the website ““, January 2017. The JET SDP / IB datalogger is used for the preparatory land surveys before the realisation of an aqueduct in Turkey with the purpose of supplying the city of Ankara with drinkable water. DAT instruments dataloggers know no borders. Actually, it is the international request that gains […]
Water for Ankara

Article published on the website “”, January 2017. We are talking about a tunnel which is more than 30km long and deployed to supply (with a flow of more than 40 cubic meters per minute) the big reservoir of the Çamlıdere Dam, which will provide potable water to Ankara, the Turkish capital city. This project […]
Thank you for visiting our stand at Geofluid 2016!

GeoFluid Exhibition in Piacenza is an Italian trade show focused on geotechnics and special foundation works. From year to year the exhibition has geographically expanded, reaching visitors and customers from all over the world. The 21th edition of GeoFluid, which has been held in October, showed, this year too, a considerable increase in number of […]
Identify the soil.

Article published on ‘Perforare’ n.2 2016. That is the aim of some drillings in Naples: JET 4000 AME / J fundamental. We are in Naples, south of Italy, where a building collapsed. A specialized company is carrying out some drillings with a CMV 420 together with a DAT instruments JET 4000 AME / J datalogger […]
Single fluid jet grounting.

Article published on ‘Macchine Edili’, September 2016. DAT instruments dataloggers for a dam which is going to supply a small power station in Brezice, Slovenia Brežice, East Slovenia close to Sava river, not far from Croatia. This region of ancient origin has seen the developing of a new field in order to build a dam. […]
Record for DAT instruments at BAUMA 2016

Bauma 2016 exhibition has reaffirmed its role as a reference in the International market thanks to more than 500,000 visitors coming from 130 different Countries. Bauma 2016 exhibition has just ended and it has been confirmed as the most important event in the geotechnical and public works sector. Bauma 2016 exhibition has reaffirmed its role […]
Electronics that simplifies

Article published on “Perforare”, January 2016. DAT instruments’ best seller, the JET 4000 AME / J datalogger, can be set as a project. Many people may consider electronics as an enemy of construction worksites. On the contrary, electronic technology, if used properly, is a precious partner that simplifies work, even the hard work associated with […]
Piling rigs GPS positioning

DAT instruments is very happy to announce its new partnership with an important Company which produces GPS positioning systems. This new agreement will let DAT instruments satisfy its Customers with other new electronic instruments suitable for positioning your rig and your drilling and injection rod in a very accurate and easy way. This system has […]
DAT instruments JET DSP 100 / H

Article published on ‘Macchine Edili’ Feb. 2015. The new JET DSP 100 / H is composed of a set of rugged and waterproofed sensors that are installed on the hydromill. The main role of the sensors is to send real-time data to the datalogger display and to allow the recording of the following parameters: Hydromill […]